You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Interface > Lockbox Notification Tab

Lockbox Notification Tab

Lockbox notifications can be set up to enable Nexsure to send email notifications to selected Nexsure users. The notifications are sent to specified user rights templates groups. For example, if the notification is set up for the Account Manager user rights template, then all users designated as an Account Manager will receive the notification.

To Navigate to the Notification Tab

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP. The Setup Console is displayed.
  2. In the Setup Console, click Interface > Lockbox. The file log tab is displayed.
  3. Click the notification tab. The Notification Setup screen is displayed.

  1. On the Notification Setup screen, click [Add New] to set up a new notification. A selection screen is displayed.

  1. On the Notification Setup selection screen, select from the following:

  1. Once the notification has been set up, the Notification Setup screen is again displayed. The following options are available in the summary:

When a notification is sent to the users, the results will look as follows with the appropriate message for the notification:

Related Topics


Lockbox Tab

Lockbox File Log